Relax and recharge with Australia's
App for Mobile

About DreamPlace App
DreamPlace App is designed to help people with PTSD, trauma, or daily stress to wind down and refocus. Whether you are already calm or in a moment of panic, DreamPlace App offers relaxing stories, safe spaces, and immediate support for most situations. Simply choose your mood, pick a room, and let go of whatever is holding you back.

Our Mission
It's a big world out there. Every person has a different experience and different stories to tell. It can be difficult to find help when you are the only one who has experienced your world and your truth.
DreamPlace App is brought to you from people who have been exactly where you are now. It's been created by the anxious and shy, the angry and frustrated, the numb and the panicked.
We know that without one-on-one psychological help (which can cost a LOT of money), help catering specifically to you can be hard to find.
DreamPlace App looks at the collective experience of many people and picks out the best tactics, methods, and stories that have been proven to help during highly-emotional states. With this knowledge, the app supplies you with what you need immediately, temporarily, AND long-term, if you so choose to keep it going. Every choice you make within the app is the right one, whether it's to close one room and try another, or distract yourself temporarily until you feel calm again. No matter what, remember that you are Never Alone. We can't wait to have you on-board!
With love,
The Dream Team