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DreamPlace App.
Is it any different to other relaxation apps?
What exactly does it do? Is it worth downloading?

We hear you. It's frustrating to try a new app and realise that it's just not for you. We have tried to incorporate a number of strategies, activities, and variety throughout the app to customise it specifically for people with PTSD, anxiety, and other mood related disorders. Have a look at what we do and don't include within DreamPlace App, and decide for yourself if this is for you!

We Do:

- Provide story rooms based on how you're feeling. They 

offer distractions, grounding, or calm during stress, panic attacks, or before sleep.


- Include emergency hotlines

if you are feeling suicidal,

depressed, or just needing to vent.


- Offer strategies and methods

to help you ground yourself,

depending on how you are 



- Include audio, written, and visual versions of similar material, so that you can choose which you prefer (also used to help the hard of hearing, hypersensitive, and vision impaired).


- Allow you to explore resources for yourself with links to professional sites and information about what you are experiencing. 


- Provide atmosphere and visual rooms to soothe and relax, without needing to hear a story.


- Try to help you through anything! However, at the end of the day we are just a resource that you can use to help you on your journey.


- Offer Spotify playlists for you to listen to, based on your mood.


- Have a website of daily tasks. This is a premium, once-off payment option, but we highly recommend it.




We Don't:

- Personally offer psychological help. We provide as many resources as we can, but are not professional healthcare providers.


- Charge for the app itself. We do offer two in-app purchases: Daily Tasks & Ad Removal. Both are one-off, inexpensive payments. However, we don't charge for any other material because our sole mission is to help you through this.


- Know everything! What works for one person may not work for another. We have included some of the most successful strategies (and some new ones, too) in order to allow you to try for yourself. 


- Claim to be mental health experts. We are always looking to expand our horizons and learn more.


- Have it all together; who does! If you find some elements of the app to be triggering, glitchy, or just not what you need, please reach out to us so that we can include what you need in the future (or provide trigger warnings to others).


- Include profanity, swearing, or course material. However, we do talk about adult issues, relationships, trauma, and the struggles of life. The app is not targeted to people under the age of 18, please use discretion when using the app.

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